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Little Corellas having fun

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To introduce people to our unique Australian birds,

And learn from them how to live a healthy and happy life.

NOTE: All photos, videos and music used on this website are photographed, composed, performed  by the site owner and remains his copyrighted property, unless otherwise stated. The use of any material that is not original material of the site owner is duly acknowledged as such. © W. A. Hewson 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.


  1. Hello dear friend,
    What a blessing to read your latest blog article today.

    You have been blessed with some wonderful moments with the Superb Fairy-wren family! It must have been a special experience to be right alongside them. Despite the lack of seasonal birds (which is indeed worrisome) I am so happy for you, that you came across this family.

    Your message of work, rest and play resonated with me deeply, especially the importance of making time to “muse” (as opposed to amuse) – especially as we are constantly bombarded with “noise” in this day and age.

    I have spent this past month in deep conversation with our heavenly father, and was blessed just the other day with more special encounters with Little Grebes at my favorite birding park. I will tell you and your wife about it shortly☺️

    As always you are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Speak soon, dear friends.

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    • Thanks Takami, I am blessed that my post blessed you. Yes the Fairy-wrens were such a beautiful gift in an otherwise quite uneventful walk. I guess for me it was time to muse also as I walked and talk to our Heavenly Father even aloud, as there were so few passers bye. So glad you have been enjoying your birds with special moments, such as with the Little Grebe. You also are in our prayers daily, thank you for the friendship we enjoy with you both. The Lord provides wonderful friends for our mutual encouragement. Enjoy the rest of the week my friend 🙂

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